
White Chicken Curry: A Delicious Twist on Classic Chicken Curry

white chicken curry

In the realm of flavorful and aromatic curries, one dish that stands out is the delectable White Chicken Curry. This unique twist on the classic chicken curry introduces a lighter and creamier flavor profile while still retaining the signature spices and richness associated with Indian cuisine. In this article, we will explore the origins, ingredients, recipe, and variations of this delightful dish. So, let’s dive in and discover the secrets of White Chicken Curry!

What is White Chicken Curry?

White Chicken Curry, also known as Safed Murgh Curry, is a savory dish that originates from the Indian subcontinent. Unlike traditional chicken curries that are characterized by their vibrant colors due to the use of spices like turmeric and chili powder, White Chicken Curry features a pale and creamy appearance. This is achieved by incorporating ingredients such as yogurt, cream, coconut milk, or cashew paste into the curry base.

The History of White Chicken Curry

The exact origins of White Chicken Curry are unclear, but it is believed to have originated in the northern regions of India. The Mughlai cuisine, which has Persian and Central Asian influences, played a significant role in the development of this dish. The Mughals introduced creamy gravies and delicate flavors to Indian cuisine, which laid the foundation for White Chicken Curry.

Ingredients for White Chicken Curry

To prepare a delicious White Chicken Curry, you will need the following ingredients:

  • Chicken pieces (bone-in or boneless)
  • Onion
  • Garlic
  • Ginger
  • Green chilies
  • Yogurt
  • Fresh cream
  • Coconut milk
  • Cashew paste
  • Ghee (clarified butter) or cooking oil
  • Spices (such as cumin, coriander, garam masala)
  • Salt
  • Fresh coriander leaves (for garnishing)

Step-By-Step Recipe for White Chicken Curry

Follow these steps to create a flavorful White Chicken Curry:

  1. Heat ghee or cooking oil in a pan and sauté finely chopped onions until golden brown.
  2. Add minced garlic, ginger, and green chilies to the pan. Sauté until fragrant.
  3. In a separate bowl, whisk yogurt until smooth. Add the yogurt to the pan and mix well with the onions and spices.
  4. Add the chicken pieces to the pan and coat them thoroughly with the yogurt mixture.
  5. Cook the chicken until it turns white and is almost cooked through.
  6. In a blender, blend together cashew paste, fresh cream, and coconut milk until smooth.
  7. Pour the blended mixture into the pan and stir well to combine with the chicken.
  8. Add spices like cumin, coriander, garam masala, and salt according to taste. Mix well.
  9. Cover the pan and let the curry simmer on low heat for 15-20 minutes until the chicken is tender and the flavors are well infused.
  10. Garnish with freshly chopped coriander leaves.

Tips for Perfecting White Chicken Curry

To ensure your White Chicken Curry turns out perfectly, consider the following tips:

  1. Use bone-in chicken pieces for enhanced flavor and succulence.
  2. Marinate the chicken in yogurt and spices for at least 30 minutes before cooking to tenderize and infuse flavors.
  3. Adjust the spiciness by adding or reducing the number of green chilies.
  4. For a creamier texture, increase the amount of fresh cream or coconut milk.
  5. Allow the curry to simmer on low heat for sufficient time to develop the flavors and ensure the chicken is fully cooked.

Health Benefits of White Chicken Curry

White Chicken Curry offers various health benefits due to its nutritious ingredients. Chicken is a good source of protein, essential for muscle development and repair. Yogurt provides probiotics and calcium, supporting gut health and bone strength. Spices like ginger and garlic have antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, contributing to overall well-being.

Serving Suggestions

White Chicken Curry pairs wonderfully with steamed rice, naan bread, or roti. The creamy and mildly spiced curry complements the fluffy texture of rice and the softness of bread, creating a delightful culinary experience. Additionally, you can serve it alongside pickles, raita (yogurt-based condiment), or a fresh salad for added freshness and flavor.

White Chicken Curry Variations

While the traditional White Chicken Curry is already a treat for the taste buds, you can experiment with variations to suit your preferences. Here are a few popular variations:

  1. Kashmiri White Chicken Curry: This version incorporates aromatic Kashmiri spices like fennel seeds and saffron, adding a unique flavor and vibrant color.
  2. Thai White Chicken Curry: Inspired by Thai cuisine, this variation includes ingredients like lemongrass, kaffir lime leaves, and Thai basil for a refreshing twist.
  3. Malai Chicken Curry: This variation uses malai (clotted cream) as the main ingredient for a richer and creamier curry.


White Chicken Curry offers a delightful twist to the classic chicken curry, introducing a creamy and flavorsome experience. With its origins rooted in Mughlai cuisine, this dish showcases the richness of Indian flavors in a unique way. By following the recipe and tips provided in this article, you can create a delicious White Chicken Curry that will impress your family and friends. So, don your apron, gather the ingredients, and embark on a culinary journey with this aromatic and tantalizing dish!

SEE ALSO: Rice Onions: A Delightful Addition to Your Culinary Repertoire

White Chicken Curry: A Delicious Twist on Classic Chicken Curry

Recipe by SAYEDCourse: MainCuisine: IndianDifficulty: Easy


Prep time


Cooking time




Total time



White Chicken Curry, also known as Safed Murgh Curry, is a savory dish that originates from the Indian subcontinent. Unlike traditional chicken curries that are characterized by their vibrant colors due to the use of spices like turmeric and chili powder, White Chicken Curry features a pale and creamy appearance. This is achieved by incorporating ingredients such as yogurt, cream, coconut milk, or cashew paste into the curry base.


  • 500 grams boneless chicken, cut into bite-sized pieces

  • 2 tablespoons vegetable oil

  • 1 large onion, finely chopped

  • 3 cloves garlic, minced

  • 1-inch piece ginger, grated

  • 2 green chilies, slit lengthwise

  • 1 teaspoon turmeric powder

  • 1 teaspoon coriander powder

  • 1 teaspoon cumin powder

  • 1 teaspoon garam masala

  • 1 cup coconut milk

  • Salt to taste

  • Fresh cilantro leaves, for garnish


  • Heat vegetable oil in a large skillet over medium heat.
  • Add chopped onion, minced garlic, grated ginger, and slit green chilies to the skillet. Sauté until the onion turns translucent.
  • Add turmeric powder, coriander powder, cumin powder, and garam masala to the skillet. Mix well to coat the onions and spices evenly.
  • Add the chicken pieces to the skillet and cook until they are no longer pink in the center.
  • Pour in the coconut milk and season with salt. Stir well to combine all the ingredients.
  • Reduce the heat to low, cover the skillet, and simmer for about 30 minutes, or until the chicken is cooked through and tender.
  • Garnish with fresh cilantro leaves before serving.

Recipe Video


  • Nutrition Facts: Calories: 420 Total Fat: 14g Saturated Fat: 2g Cholesterol: 186mg Sodium: 1513mg Total Carbohydrates: 49g Dietary Fiber: 5g Sugar: 6g Protein: 24g
  • Note: The nutrition facts are approximate values and may vary depending on the specific ingredients used.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

  1. Is White Chicken Curry spicy?
    • White Chicken Curry is typically milder in spice compared to traditional chicken curries. However, you can adjust the spiciness according to your taste preferences by adding more or fewer green chilies.
  2. Can I use boneless chicken for White Chicken Curry?
    • Yes, you can use boneless chicken pieces if you prefer. Bone-in chicken, however, adds more depth of flavor to the curry.
  3. Can I make White Chicken Curry vegan?
    • Yes, you can make a vegan version of White Chicken Curry by substituting the chicken with plant-based alternatives like tofu or vegetables. Replace dairy-based ingredients with plant-based alternatives like coconut cream or cashew cream.
  4. How long does White Chicken Curry stay fresh?
    • White Chicken Curry can be stored in the refrigerator for up to 3-4 days. Ensure proper storage in an airtight container to maintain its freshness.
  5. Can I freeze White Chicken Curry?
    • Yes, you can freeze White Chicken Curry. Store it in freezer-safe containers or zip-lock bags for up to 2-3 months. Thaw it in the refrigerator before reheating.


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